

的 documentation submitted to our office should be comprehensive and current according to the 文档指南. 文件应包括以下内容:

  • 评估者的名字, address, 电话号码(如果我们部门需要联系评估者), 以及与诊断相关的专业证书(1).e. 医学博士,Ph值.D. LSSP等).
  • A clear diagnostic statement identifying the disability, including severity level.
  • 对所使用的诊断方法的描述. 质量文档包括诊断标准的描述, 评价方法, 程序, 测试和管理日期, 还有临床叙事, 观察, 具体的测试结果.
  • A description of the student's current functional limitations or symptoms as they are directly related to the diagnostic statement, 并解释学生为什么需要住宿.
  • 对残疾的预期进展或稳定性的描述.
  • 描述当前和过去的住宿、服务和/或药物.
  • 如果提供, 对住宿有什么建议吗?, 自适应设备, 辅助服务, compensatory strategies and/or collateral support services included must be supported by the documentation.
  • Depending on the nature of the disability, documentation may need to be current, within 1-5 years.
  • 文件必须有抬头,打印,日期和签名.

的 professional making the diagnosis of a disability should be an appropriately trained evaluator, 比如医生, 心理学家, 精神病学家或教育诊断学家. 例如, an audiologist would diagnose a hearing impairment; a psychiatrist, 心理学家或临床社会工作者会诊断出心理残疾. 家庭成员或家庭朋友提供的证明文件不予接受.

残疾学生服务提供 文档指南. 如果您对所要求的文件有任何疑问, 请随时拨打903与我们联系.886.5835.

我们保留要求提供更多信息或评估的权利. 然而, information regarding resources to use in obtaining an evaluation is available from our office.

我们是残疾医疗文件的储存库. 文档 submitted to us is confidential and used solely for the purpose of assisting students in identifying and securing accommodations and services to support their full participation at A&移动商务.


请求你的 住宿信 从学生残疾服务开始 每学期.

  • 根据需要提供个人住宿.
  • 调整的例子包括延长测试时间, 口译员, 做笔记, 读者服务, 抄写员服务, 有声读物和其他适应性技术.
  • 学生残疾服务 also supports students with issues and situations related to advocacy, 无障碍和校园住宿.

学生残疾服务是一个信息资源, 包括但不限于, 辅导服务, 学习技巧和时间管理, 社区资源, 残疾意识和其他大学服务.


的 mission of 学生残疾服务 is to facilitate accessibility by providing services, A&移动商务残障学生.


学生残疾服务 is entering its fourth year of a pilot project for students with Autism called the 非典型大使. 的 mission of the Atypical Ambassador project is to create a welcoming environment at A&移动商务 for selected 非典型大使 where various campus stakeholders will provide mentorship, workshops and resources to improve outcomes for students with Autism and increase awareness regarding Autism within the A&移动商务社区.

欲了解更多信息,请联系天堂邓恩 (电子邮件保护).


学生残疾服务 offers several presentations designed to educate faculty and staff about disability-related topics. Our team will deliver the presentation in your office or department at a time that is convenient for you. 请从下面可用的演示文稿和电子邮件中选择 凯莉·威廉姆斯 安排.

Participants will learn about the appropriate language regarding individuals with disabilities.

Participants will gain an overview of the purpose of 学生残疾服务 and the services that are provided for students with disabilities at A&移动商务.

Participants will learn about various disabilities and how to appropriately interact with individuals with disabilities.



If you have questions about testing accommodations at one of the off-site locations, 从下面的列表中联系合适的人.



可以提出一些特殊的住房要求, 根据申请和提交的文件, 包括但不限于:

  • 轮椅无障碍室
  • 一楼的房间
  • 频闪灯(供听障学生使用)
  • 盲文(房间号码)
  • 浴缸或滚筒式淋浴
  • 使用服务性动物或情感支持动物
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请参阅 如何登记 请示.

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我没有文件. 我还能用SDS申请吗?

是的, a case manager will walk you through the process on how to obtain documentation.

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我是聋子. 我可以接受CART或翻译服务吗?

是的,你可以得到这些服务. 以避免服务延误, students should inform SDS of their interpreting or CART needs at least two weeks in advance.

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Students must register five business days in advance to take exams/quizzes with SDS. 工作日是周一到周五早上8点.m. 到5点.m. (假期除外).

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我没有收到我的住宿. 我该怎么办??


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你的住宿信将列出你收到的住宿. 你的诊断不会被列出.

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学生必须每学期申请住宿. 请参考 怎样索取信件 请示.

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有残疾的学生不需要向A透露他们的残疾情况&移动商务. 披露残疾是自愿的. 然而, a student will not receive accommodations unless they disclose this information to the Office of 学生残疾服务.

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的 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a law administered by the Office of Special 教育项目 in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative 服务 in the U.S. 教育部. 这条法律不适用于高等教育.

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What is the impact of the 《1990年美国残疾人高等教育法案?

《1990年美国残疾人高等教育法案 impacts the whole institution, including activities, facilities, programs and employment. 的 Americans with Disabilities Act requires higher education institutions to provide reasonable accommodations for students.

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Can parents speak with 学生残疾服务 regarding their child’s situation?

Students may choose to have information about their case discussed with their parents by signing a FERPA release form directly from our office. 这种释放不能是学生整个大学生涯的全面释放.

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What is the difference between the responsibilities of high schools and higher education institutions?

的 responsibilities towards students with disabilities in institutions of higher education are very different from those of high schools. 要求高中学历, 在想法, to identify the educational needs of students with disabilities and provide free and appropriate education.

高等教育机构并不需要承担这种责任. Higher education institutions are required to provide appropriate and reasonable academic accommodations to ensure that a student with a disability is not discriminated against. 的 student is responsible for disclosing his or her disability to the institution and seeking accommodations.

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A student’s personal attendant may live in the residence hall provided that the personal attendant is a student at A&移动商务. 的 university does not provide a personal attendant but can assist the student in finding one. A student needing a personal attendant should discuss this with the Department of 学生残疾服务. SDS不需要提供个人陪同人员.

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  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011



8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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